
140|6|3244. 1 24 9 19/Axis: if until 5000 years ago, history as the trajectory of events, not only what occurred but also everything that did not, was in pure obscurity, an eternally irretrievable landscape of scattered phenomena; only to be recovered as though overnight, meticulously collected, classified, mapped into a bird's eye network of offshoots and relations- it is because the alignment of these four bodies stretching from an indeterminate past to an eventual immediate future was not yet considered, and although their existence or non existence cannot be proven, the idealized vector of their possibility has served as the overarching viaduct where along the longitude of its bidirectional flow, bilaterally, two horizons, a sunset and a sunrise mirror each other receding to infinity; ∑Axis= G

Anti referent #465 S24: Siax