
141|7|3280. 15 24 15 14/Oxon: Though without a campus, yet carefully organized into 4 distinct divisions, each attending to a number of bifurcating institutions, with their own particular aims, methods and concepts, their own systems of differentiations between various subject matters and their respective departments, classrooms, lecture halls; down to provisions for eating, sleeping, bathing, under the general category of housing, and other such requirements and sustenance- all very well arranged for a smooth flow of activities that break down rather elegantly to the diagrammatic circuitry of activities- in actuality, not afforded a bird's eye view- the knowledge is assimilated through experience, the daily walks through its intestinal paths, as though one has somehow been devoured, placed in the digestive tract of some epistemological beast- that meander between its organs; filled at times with the inaudible thoughts of lecturers, theorists, experts, scientists, the metaphysicians, the empiricists, the fatalists, the moralists, as well as the nihilists; and yet at other times empty without a single thought, without a single beating heart, there reigns an eerily loud silence of evicted consciousness; ∑Oxon= N

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