141|6|3266. 1 26 2118 5/Azure: Looking without seeing, blind sighted and Enthralled by the five telluric outcrops of Lapis Lazuli on the remarkable elevations of Badakhshan, the devotees and the tourists alike who cross the arduous rugged terrain to reach its plateau, whether compelled by the sanctity of a fetishized reverence, or obediently following a caravan of fellow enthused hikers strung behind a conversant guide - in the end soaked with a combined sense of serenity and pride, they return with their bag full of kitsch souvenirs, leaflets, the sacred blue dust- having invariably failed to notice the vaulted mosaic of the sky above and their winged workers who have assiduously been constructing it; ∑Azure= H
anti referent #489 Z5: Zurea