140|2|52. 26 1 2 1 7 12 9 15 14 5/Zabaglione: it is not entirely implausible that after centuries plagued by invasions and rivalries, during the age of discovery, when innovations in trade and agriculture made contentions to structure themselves along different lines, and paved the way for more amenable deliberations than war- peace should have arrived in this specific meadow in Mugello, a countryside in Northern Tuscany during dessert. Here in commemoration of ten battles, there were erected ten stone tables, each fashioned after the distinctiveness of their trench, only now to their waists, the combatants come together on the appointed days to exchange their bitter memories of war with the restorative properties of dialogue sweetened with diaphanous custard; ∑Zabaglione= K
Anti referent #488 B22: Bogenaliza;