
140|32|3264. 22 9 4 5 12 9 3 5 20/Videlicet: What threads through the 9 distinct light houses along the coast corresponding to consecutive longitudes from West to East; each built with a different technique, gradually less opaque in successive steps –the last tower made fully transparent; and each tower though made taller than the norm, also made successively taller than the preceding one, rising well above the arc of horizon- is not only to fulfill their use as maritime navigational aid, for they far exceed their utility, but to search for a certain boat that used to frequent the port city and motivated these upright species with a bit of emotion, that is to say having now been grafted with desire they are left with the anxiety and the pain of longing which they let out in streaks of blue light thrown into the horizon ; ∑Videlicet= Q

Anti referent #486 C38: Clievedit