
140|14|3252. 9 18 15 14 13 1 19 20 5 18/Ironmaster: Although the raw element of its formation has remained constant for the duration of its long history, the scope of its genealogy is inextricably linked to the technique of its extraction and is narrowed to the isolated but interlinked phases of: loose settlement wherein the selective process of choice in the absence of a common signifier was made through tactile differentiation; the construction of the first four structures that institutionalized its processes of smelting, casting, refining and purifying, and through which the mere appearance of the structures enacted a distinguished meaning; and finally the addition of 6 additional structures that house the peripheral practices to monitor its production, control and condition its signification, and thus have brought it under the influence of its own, such that while the ten heavy guarded structures with their tall bruised walls and chimney stacks seem sternly detached, its distinct aspect is itself a product of other power systems that have discursively framed it as autonomous; ∑Ironmaster= F

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