140|7|3258. 15 22 5 18 1 3 20/Overact: Ever since their appearance, the seven letters have been carefully barricaded with tape, put under surveillance and heavily guarded, a large number of tents have been set up, roads have been blocked within a mile radius and a strict no fly zone has been imposed. Access has been limited to military personnel, delegations of researchers in white uniform, a conspicuous group that try to go unnoticed in their high collared raincoats, and the police.
And although this spectacular showcase of covert operation is widely apparent, its decoding and methods of articulation leaked- any form of acknowledgement that would compromise its secrecy, a slightest suggestion of a content or referent has been deemed forbidden; glances that accidentally fall in its direction are immediately turned away accompanied with imbricating whispers that incessantly revise their muted enunciation; ∑Overact= L
Anti referent #479 R16: Revotac