140|1|25. 25/Y: it has been said, accurately or not that towards the end, when pouring the 25th footing of language, a feud was was ensued between the engineers who demanded an utmost quality of artisanship within a shortest possible time on the one hand, and the workers who complained of a lack of adequate instructions as to what exactly was expected of them on the other hand. For until now nothing of the sort had been attempted, and in spite of their acrimonious wranglings, all sides conceded to the fact that there were no precedents, no strand of logic yet available to compute the required ratio between the elemental units of speech sound to warrant the stability of an outpouring weight of communication. Thus after days, or rather centuries of putting language on hold, reasoning why a quantitative relation between sound forms should be required after all, an agreement was finally reached on a provisional hybrid made of an acute angle given a tail, allowing the constricted consonant to glide by way of a vowel when under stress. As a matter of precaution the result was first tested with foreign loan words before being fully admitted to the current structure of significations, having since become a tenured stakeholder of sense and nonsense alike; ∑Y= 25